Monday, September 24, 2007

Amazing Grace By Jonathan Kozal

Amazing Grace written by Jonathan Kozal, was a true eye opener for me. This is a true description of life in the South Bronx in New York City. Many of the statistics that were given to us in the beginning of this article were startling to me. A line that made me realize what I was getting into when I was starting this reading were the following few lines. “In 1991, the median household income of the area, according to the New York Times, was $7,600”. This stat absolutely blows my mind. I had no idea how any one could live on that. I know I could not, with out seriously altering my life style. I would for starters have to get rid of my car, something I know is a Luxury and not a given.
To me this article throws my perspectives on living conditions for a total loop. I grew up in the Mount Pleasant area, my family still lives there. I have always had maybe not right away what I needed in life. But reading this article for example where Kozol talks about a lack of heating in the winter, I never would have known what to do. I would complain when I was cold in my house because the heat would only be set at 68 degrees! And I thought that was cold. Compared to getting a spaces heater and on a very cold night a sleeping bag! It is unreal to me. As I typed this I realized I did this a little out of order, however, it was astounding to me to read that children know of heroine and other drugs. As I child I had no concept of any drug more than Dimetapp or my inhaler for my asthma.
AIDS is a major concern for the residents of the South Bronx. According to the article of the 4,000 heroine users most have HIV and live in this area. Treatment for this disease is deplorable, because of the economic situation. The article tells us that knowledge of the federal system is also in a horrid state for this area. One example of the girlfriend who dies, yet the government keep paying for her health care. Not knowing or keeping good track of the people in this area is bewildering to me. From my own experience, with the government, my Grandmother passed away and within one week her checks were canceled and the government knew they did not have to pay any more, showing the complete disregard for the people of this area.
The article tells the reader about the crime rate in the area. Telling us that in 1991 that 84 people died that year in the area, more than half were under 21. This crime rate is something that I can not grasp, being so foreign to me. I know Providence has murders buy never that many; it is a concept so alien to me.
This article was a good experience and is something I really enjoyed reading, for the simple reason that it made me more aware of what goes on outside my bubble of Mount Pleasant and Rhode Island College

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Starting off.

Hey Everyone, This is my first entry to my Blog. I am a 19 year old Sophomore and I want to be a high school history teacher. I graduated from Classical High School in 2006 and I really enjoy RIC. This year I am an RA in Thorp Hall. Its a lot of fun and hard work, but I really enjoy it. My favorite Sports teams are the Red Sox, Patriots and the PC Friars. I am really enjoying classes and school so far. I am just hoping for a great semester!nd year!